Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Having a look around Upper Derwent Valley


Scheduled for Release on Wednesday 27th March 2024

Join Paul, June & Thomas as they Take Elsa & Luna for a walk around the Upper Derwent Valley in search of the overflow Dam & some plug holes 🕳️ come see if they found them.

Now Available to Watch:

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Passing 5 hours on around the Meadowhall area…


Scheduled for Release on Saturday 23rd March 2024

Join Paul, June & Thomas as they try to pass 5 hours on while the wait for Gemma & her Friend finish at a James Arthur Concert at Sheffield Arena.

Now Available to Watch:

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

My Arcade Atari Micro Player


Scheduled for Release on Wednesday 20th March 2024

Join Paul as he adds another My Arcade Micro Player to his Collection.

Now Available to Watch:

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Alton Towers Opening day


Scheduled for release on Sunday 17th March 2024

Join Paul as he goes solo fro Alton Towers opening day on Saturday 16th March 2024 & its also the RE Launch of Nemesis Reborn & they are even having longer Park hours to allow for some night riding.

This was such a fantastic day & I bumped into so many other YouTubers.

Available to watch now:

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

February Visit to The Yorkshire Wildlife Park


Scheduled for release on TBC

Here’s our February visit to The Yorkshire Wildlife Park, come take a look to see any changes since we was last there in January, we are lucky to catch sight of the New Baby Rhino “Rocco” & even get to see the 8 month old Leopard “Auckley” a good month to see the Newest Zoo additions,

Watch Now:

Saturday, March 9, 2024

A day at the Peak District, Looking around Bakewell


Scheduled for release on Saturday 9th March 2024

Join Paul & June & they explore what Bakewell in the Peak District has to offer other than its famous Bakewell Tarts..

Now Available to watch:

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

February Visit to Twycross Zoo

 Scheduled fro Release on Wednesday 6th March 2024

It’s already time for Paul’s & Junes Monthly Visit to Twycross Zoo, come see if anything has changed since their January visit.

Now Available to Watch:

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Droopy Bobble Head figure Unboxing


Schedule for Release on Saturday 2nd March 2024

Join Paul as he unboxes a new Bobble Head Character to add to his collection

As well as opening this new figure he also shows you the rest of the collection,

Now Available to Watch: